
Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday Blues

The last two weeks have been hectic. I have been trying to organize everything that I need to do before I leave for my trip. I went through a period of having this monotonous lifestyle to this exciting new phase. Getting to this new phase in my life has had its own hurdles. However, I couldn't be happier with where I am today because I learned a lot about myself through these difficult periods.

My friend and I were discussing yesterday how everything happens at the right time. I personally felt lost and misguided this past year, which was one of the reasons I began this blog. I wouldn't say that I am completely where I want to be in life but I am making progress towards my goals. So this sparked my interest in writing a post on how to over come hurdles.  Regardless if you are facing the "Monday blues" or just a period of uncertainty, I want to just share some simple thing that helped me through my own struggles.

The most important thing for me has been my Faith. Just reading prayers and devotionals has allowed me to clear my mind. The inner peace I rediscovered was something that I was missing. Faith has allowed me to surround myself with positive energy. No matter what religion you are, I think this is something each of us can benefit from. My friend and I follow different religions but the inner peace that we have both found through our faith and belief has allotted us to find positivity. If you consider yourself more spiritual then Yoga and meditation are other options for you.

The second thing that has helped me through my difficult time is exercising. A lot of people believe that  exercising is just for obtaining a ideal weight. Physiologically it's more then that. Exercising releases chemical substances called endorphins which trigger positive feelings. It has been a great outlet for me to let go some of the stress I carry and just once again surround myself with positive energy. If you don't want to go to a gym then consider walking outdoors. Even a little exercise can help.

My final suggestion would be to pick an outlet or hobby that allows you to be creative and provides an escape from the hurdles you are facing. For me this blog is one of the outlets. I love writing about my random passions and I love hearing people's feedback and opinions. It is one of the many ways I feel like I help other people and in return they help me too. I feel like there is so much positive things that I have began to appreciate and it is another way for me to be optimistic.

I want to end with this quote I found:

Hope you all have an amazing week! Until next time…..